08:00 31/07/2024

Dialogue on proposed excise tax for beer and alcohol to open on July 31

Tạp chí Kinh tế Việt Nam - VnEconomy

The event will be livestreamed by VnEconomy at 2pm.

A livestreamed dialogue on ensuring sustainable benefits when making amendment to the Law on Excise Tax is scheduled at 2pm on July 31.

The event will be organized by VnEconomy/Vietnam Economic Times.

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) is collecting feedbacks for the draft amendment to the Law on Excise Tax with many new regulations which will possibly have impacts on the beverage industry.

Vietnam currently applies an excise tax on alcohol of 35–65% and beer of 65%.

The MoF proposed adjusting these rates following a roadmap from 2026 to 2030 to increase the retail price of these products by at least 10% under  recommendations from the WHO.

Under the plan, the excise tax for wine and spirits with alcohol content of at least 20% and beer will increase to 90-100% by 2030. For wine and spirits with the alcohol content of less than 20%, the tax is expected to increase to 60-70%.

The draft will be submitted to the National Assembly for discussion during its eight session scheduled in October this year. It is expected for approval by the NA next May.

At the dialogue, experts will analyze and assess the draft, particularly roadmap to increase the tax rates.

They will also analyze goals and sustainable benefits gained from increasing the tax rates and propose solutions to ensure sustainable benefits of the draft amendment to the law basing on the balance of the benefit triangle between the State and society, producers and the value chain, and consumers.