14:43 03/04/2024

FPT named Major Player in IDC MarketScape

International Data Corporation (IDC)’s MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT suppliers in a given market.

FPT.AI Virtual Agent is developed by FPT Smart Cloud Co., Ltd., a member of FPT
FPT.AI Virtual Agent is developed by FPT Smart Cloud Co., Ltd., a member of FPT

FPT was recently named a Major Player in the IDCMarketScape: Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) Smart VirtualAssistants 2023 Vendor Assessment.

With the wave of digital transformation taking place stronglythroughout the APeJ region, AI Virtual Agent has emerged as aneffective tool in optimizing workflow and improving efficiencyin many industries.

FPT. AI Virtual Agent has been developed by FPT Smart CloudCo., Ltd., a member of FPT. The power of Smart Virtual Agentis applied to many business activities, especially in customerservice. When deployed into the customer care system, FPT. AIis capable of self-service. In particular, it has been integratedwith Generative AI technology, allowing businesses to developcustomer care systems at a higher level of perfection, such asproactive communication, multi-channel interaction (includingchatbot and voicebot), analysis to predict needs, resolvecustomer problems, and even personalize in real-time, givingrecommendations and advice to customers in each specificsituation. Virtual assistants can help customer care centersincrease operational productivity and reduce operating costs by30-45 per cent.

AI assistant is integrated into many different processes,changing the traditional way of solving the work of employees,and providing convenient features such as task management,planning, and communication support within businesses andcustomer service. Integrated with many advanced technologiessuch as Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning(ML), computer vision, and voice technology (speech), AIVirtual Assistant is capable of effectively understanding andperforming many tasks, from simple to complex, such asscheduling, searching for answers, and making suggestions orpredictions. Many businesses in the APeJ region, in diverse sizes and industries, are ready to activate a strategy of deployingVirtual Agent in order to increase productivity, automate, andminimize operating costs.

Identifying AI as a key technology in digital transformation,since 2013, FPT has invested tens of millions of dollars in the research and development (R&D) of AI application solutions,including FPT. WHO. Persevering with the goal of conqueringcustomers with innovative technology, Virtual Agent inparticular and FPT. AI in general will be continuously upgradedand increased in power, ready to meet the most demandingrequirements of the market.

About IDC MarketScape:

The IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed toprovide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT(information and communications technology) suppliers in agiven market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorousscoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitativecriteria that results in a single graphical illustration of eachvendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScapeprovides a clear framework in which the product and serviceofferings, capabilities and strategies, and current and futuremarket success factors of IT and telecommunications vendorscan be meaningfully compared. The framework also providestechnology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengthsand weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.