More wind power plants gain COD recognition
EVN recognizes Commercial Operation Date of additional wind power plants.

Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) updated the status of the Commercial Operation Date (COD) of 23 wind power plants on October 22.
The 23 projects have a total capacity of 987.6 MW, with their COD recognition bringing the total number recognized from October 1 to October 22 to 28 with a total capacity of 1,247.4 MW.
The production and supply of wind power equipment and components has been affected by difficulties and obstacles, especially the Covid-19 pandemic. Of 106 wind power plants with a total capacity of 5,655.5 MW registered for COD testing, only 28 had their COD recognized.
Many remaining projects are facing the possibility of not being able to operate commercially on time. Though investors are still trying to stay on schedule, it may be impossible for them to access the Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) price under Decision No. 39/2018/QD-TTg.
The Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority (EREA) is also urgently monitoring the wind power development mechanism to report to the Prime Minister, in accordance with the Law on Investment, the Law on Bidding, and other legal regulations related to laws such as the Law on Price and the Law on Electricity, according to Mr. Hoang Tien Dung, EREA Director.