16:11 16/01/2023

PV Drilling supplies jack-up rig for South Korean firm

Rig capable of drilling wells at a maximum water depth of 121 meters and a total depth of 9,000 meters.

The PetroVietnam Drilling and Well Service Corporation (PV Drilling) will supply a jack-up rig for drilling operations by South Korea’s SK Innovation Co. Ltd (SKI) at Lot 16-2 in Vietnam’s offshore area, the Vietnam News Agency reports.

PV DRILLING VI, the most cutting-edge self-elevating rig PV Drilling possesses, was produced by Keppel FELS of Singapore and meets the KFELS MOD V Enhanced Class B standards.

It is capable of drilling wells to a maximum water depth of 121 meters and a total depth of 9,000 meters.

The rig earlier served a drilling campaign of the PetroVietnam Exploration Production Operating Co. Ltd (PVEP POC). As soon as finishing its task at PVEP POC, it will work for SKI in 2023.

In 2022, PV DRILLING VI performed drilling operations in the domestic market for ENI, Vietsovpetro, and Harbor Energy.