13:30 25/09/2024

Site clearance for Tuy Loan - Hoa Lien expressway expected for completion this month

Ngô Anh Văn

The project having estimated investment capital of $86 million.

Site clearance is expected to be completed and handed over to the investor of Tuy Loan – Hoa Lien expressway project in central Da Nang city’s Hoa Vang district by the end of September this year, according to the district’s authorities.

The 11.5-km expressway, part of the Eastern North-South Expressway, has an estimated investment capital of over VND2.1 trillion ($86 million).

Construction started last September and it is expected for completion in 2025.

In the first phase, the link will have four lanes and two emergency stopping lanes, allowing a maximum speed of 80 kph. The number of lanes will be increased to six in a later phase.

Once completed, it will help promote transport links between the La Son-Hoa Lien Expressway and the Da Nang-Quang Ngai Expressway, contributing to enhancing socio-economic development in Da Nang and the surrounding region.