06:30 11/09/2024

Talks between top leaders of Vietnam and Laos held in Hanoi

Tiến Dũng

Party General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith is paying a State visit to Vietnam from September 10 – 13.

At the welcome ceremony, chaired by Party General Secretary and President To Lam  for visiting Party General Secretary and President of Laof Thongloun Sisoulith (Photo: Bao Dang Cong san)
At the welcome ceremony, chaired by Party General Secretary and President To Lam for visiting Party General Secretary and President of Laof Thongloun Sisoulith (Photo: Bao Dang Cong san)

During their talks held in Hanoi on September 10, Party General Secretary and President of Vietnam To Lam and Party General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith, who is paying a State visit to Vietnam from September 10 - 13,  agreed on orientations, policies and measures to develop the bilateral great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation to a new height.

Party General Secretary and President Lam emphasized that the Lao leader’s visit is of significance to enhancing and increasing the effectiveness of comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties and countries in line with the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

 The Vietnamese leader affirmed that Vietnam will continue to work with Laos to preserve and nurture the bilateral relations as well as the solidarity among the three countries of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

President Thongloun congratulated President Lam on being elected as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee, which, he said, demonstrated the Vietnamese Party, State and people’s trust.

The Lao leader once again expressed his deep condolences over the passing of and special respect for late Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, and spoke highly of his significant contributions to Vietnam’s renewal process as well as the development of the Vietnam-Laos relations.

President Thongloun expressed his belief that the Party, State, and people of Vietnam will continue to advance forwards steadily, build Vietnam into an industrialized and modernized nation, and achieve the goal of rich people and strong, democratic, just, and civilized country.

He also expressed a profound sympathy over the heavy losses of human and property caused by typhoon Yagi in Vietnam, and his confidence that under the leadership of the Party and State, the people of Vietnamese localities will soon overcome these difficulties and stabilize their lives.

The Lao leader congratulated Vietnam on its great, important and comprehensive achievements over the past nearly 40 years of ‘Doi moi’ (Renewal). He expressed his confidence that under the leadership of the CPV with Party General Secretary and President Lam at the helm, Vietnam will successfully achieve its goals of becoming a upper-middle-income developing country by 2030 and a high-income developed nation by 2045.


He also updated his Vietnamese counterpart on Laos's socio-economic development outcomes, including progress in party-building work and foreign affairs, especially important policies and solutions recently adopted by the Lao Party and State.

Party General Secretary and President Lam congratulated Laos on the important development achievements that the country has gained over the years across all fields, and hailed Laos’ strong performance in organizing external activities as ASEAN Chair.

The Vietnamese leader said he believes that under the leadership of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) led by Party General Secretary and President Thongloun, the Lao people will successfully implement all tasks and targets set at the 11th LPRP National Congress and make good preparations for the 12th congress, building a nation of peace, independence, unity and prosperity following the goal of socialism.

The top Vietnamese leader underlined that Vietnam will always give strong support to the Party, State and people of Laos in promoting the achievements and completing all the set targets, while continuing to support Laos in successfully performing the role of ASEAN Chair in 2024. He briefed the guests on Vietnam’s major achievements over the years as well as the CPV’s policies and leadership orientations over various areas, especially Party building and socio-economic development.

The two leaders highly valued the precious, sincere, and effective support and assistance that the Parties, states, and people of the two countries have given each other in the struggle for national liberation and reunification in the past, as well as in the current national renewal, construction, and development.

They two emphasized the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, which were founded by Presidents Ho Chi Minh, Kaysone Phomvihane, and Souphanouvong, and nurtured by successive generations of leaders of both Parties and countries. This relationship is an invaluable common asset of both nations, with strategic significance for the stability and development of each country.

The two leaders highlighted that the solidarity and mutual assistance between the two Parties and countries are an objective necessity, a historical rule, and one of the greatest sources of strength with vital significance to the revolutionary cause and the Fatherland construction and protection of the two Parties and countries.

They affirmed their commitment to continuing the glorious historical tradition of both nations, together preserving, protecting, and continuously nurturing the special relationship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, making it increasingly intensive, practical, and effective in various fields, for the benefit of the people of each country, as well as for peace, stability, and development of the region and the world.


They expressed pleasure at the significant new developments in the relationship between the two Parties and countries, and the results of the Vietnam-Laos comprehensive cooperation over the past time, with the effective implementation of many projects and programmers. They also discussed orientations to promote cooperation in order to make the Vietnam-Laos relationship deep, practical, and effective in various areas.

They affirmed that the two sides will continue to deepen political relations, enhance mutual understanding, and reinforce trust, which are the core guidelines for the overall relationship between the two countries. They will maintain high-level visits, meetings, and exchanges between the top leaders of both Parties and countries; increase information sharing, exchanges and coordination on strategic issues, and theoretical discussions, especially on new issues. They will also promote information and education about the special relationship between Vietnam and Laos as well as the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia ties among the people, especially the youth, of the two countries.

The two leaders consented to enhance cooperation in defense and security, ensuring a solid foundation for each other to effectively cope with increasingly diverse and complex security challenges. They will actively and effectively implement protocols and cooperation plans in defense and security, contributing to maintaining political stability in each country.

They also agreed on a common perception of promoting joint efforts to create breakthroughs and improve the effectiveness of economic, cultural, and scientific-technical cooperation based on maximizing each country’s potential and strengths. They stressed the need to promote substantial connectivity between the two economies in terms of institutions, infrastructure, transportation, telecommunications, and tourism, to foster long-term cooperation and development of both countries, and to promote connectivity among the three economies of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia as agreed by the three governments. The two nations will work closely to remove difficulties and obstacles to effectively implement key projects of mutual interest.

The two leaders agreed to maintain effective information exchange and assessments on international situations, protect each other’s legitimate interests in accordance with international law, including issues related to the East Sea and the sustainable use of the Mekong River’s water resources. The two countries will consult, coordinate closely, and support each other effectively in international and regional issues as well as activities at multilateral forums.