06:30 17/02/2024

Vietnam to implement national semiconductor strategy in 2024

Nhĩ Anh

Strategy aims to develop the country into a regional semiconductor hub.

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung speaking at the meeting with FPT on February 15.
Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung speaking at the meeting with FPT on February 15.

Vietnam will begin implementing its national strategy on semiconductor industry development this year with the aim of developing it into a key national industry over the next 30-50 years, according to Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung.

The strategy is aimed at turning Vietnam into a regional hub for the semiconductor industry by 2030, focusing on design, packaging, and testing activities.

Developing a semiconductor industry will create opportunities for Vietnam to revive the domestic electronics industry and expand into areas such as telecommunications, consumer electronics, and industrial electronics, he said during a visit to FPT, the country’s largest information technology service corporation, on February 15.

Vietnam boasts advantages in human resources to develop a semiconductor industry, he said, noting that Vietnamese people are good at STEAM subjects, which are a basic requirement of the semiconductor industry.

Minister Hung also emphasized the need to promote AI, which is considered the most important technology in Industry 4.0.

He hailed FPT’s future development strategy, which has a primary focus on AI, semiconductor chips, and automotive technology, describing it as “a correct strategic choice.”