16:00 15/08/2024

Wage survey scheduled at 3,400 enterprises nationwide

Thu Hằng

The findings to serve as a foundation for the adjustment of the regional minimum wage in 2025.

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has decided to carry out a wage survey at 3,400 enterprises, with 6,800 employees being subject to the survey,  to serve as a foundation for the adjustment of the regional minimum wage in 2025.

These enterprises are operating in 18 localities, which represent eight economic regions nationwide, with a large number of enterprises and developed labor market.

This will be the biggest wage survey conducted by the ministry so far.

The survey will look through enterprises’ wage changes after the State's latest regional minimum wage adjustments, the adjustment's impact on business costs, the level of compliance of enterprises, as well as the average wage level, overtime wages, wage structure, and the lowest wage of employees in different types of enterprises in 2023 and 2024.

The Government has recently issued Decree No. 74/2024/ND-CP, which clarified an increase of 6% in the regional minimum wage compared to the 2023 level from July 1.

The regional minimum wage currently applied ranges from VND2.45 million ($97.18) to VND4.96 million ($196.7 million) per month, applicable to 4 different regions, according to the decree.

The findings will also serve as a reference for businesses and laborers in salary negotiations.