14:00 11/09/2024

Enterprises satisfied with customs information supply: survey

Ánh Tuyết

The survey, conducted in April this year, measuring the level of satisfaction among 2,194 enterprises.

The customs sector strives to boost digital transformation to support businesses.
The customs sector strives to boost digital transformation to support businesses.

Nearly 100% of surveyed businesses said they are very satisfied or satisfied with information supply from the customs.

The survey was conducted in April this year by the General Department of Vietnam Customs to measure the level of satisfaction among businesses with the participation of 2,194 enterprises.

The survey results were announced the Annual Customs-Business Forum 2024 held in Hanoi on September 10.

The survey showed that 53.37% of enterprises said they were very satisfied with the diversification of forms of information supply and 42.48% said they were satisfied.

Regarding the accuracy and timeliness of information supply, 52.01% of the enterprises were very satisfied and 42.75% were satisfied. 

The forum provided an opportunity for the leaders of the General Department of Vietnam Customs and local customs departments and agencies to discuss customs reform, innovation, and modernization to find effective solutions to accompany and support the domestic and foreign business community doing business and investing in Vietnam.

The event was held to mark the ten-year development of the customs – business partnership.

It consisted of two session, discussing ways to promote customs reform to facilitate the investment and business environment for enterprises and strategy to develop the customs – business partnership.