07:30 12/07/2024

HCM City targets further growth of high-tech agriculture

Thanh Thủy

HCM City's high-tech agriculture expected to account for 80% of total agricultural production value.

Ho Chi Minh City targets to have high-tech agriculture accounting for 75-80% of the total value of agricultural, forestry, and fishery production by 2030.

The target is set by the city’s urban agriculture development program for 2021-2030, with a vision towards 2050, which has been launched recently.

Under the plan, HCM City will strive to become into a center of high-tech agriculture, and modern industrial and service centers supporting agriculture, ensuring the connectivity of high-quality and safe agricultural, forestry, and aquatic products along the value chain.

The city targets annual growth rates of over 10% for agricultural and rural industrial and service sectors; and an annual increase of 5.5-6% in agricultural labor productivity.

Over 70% of agricultural labor in rural areas will be trained, and more than 30% of agricultural cooperatives will apply high technology, according to the plan.