17:00 11/09/2024

Over 331,200 new securities accounts open in 8M

Tuệ Lâm

The number of new accounts registered by individual investors marking record high over the past two years.

Domestic investors registered over 331,200 new securities trading accounts during August, according to the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation (VSDC).

Of which, 330,819 accounts were owned by individual investors, marking a record high over the past two years. The 121 others were owned by institutional investors.

By the end of August, the total number of securities trading accounts of domestic investors reached 8.7 million.

Under the national strategy on stock market development by 2030, Vietnam targets to have 9 million securities trading accounts owned by domestic investors by 2025 and 11 million by 2030.

The number of accounts owned by foreign institutional investors, however, dropped by 7 to 4,558 by the end of August.