15:00 07/09/2024

PM urges completion of 3,000km of expressways by 2025

Tuấn Khang

The request was made under a Prime Ministerial Document signed on September 5.

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Illustrative Photo

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has signed Prime Ministerial Document No. 673/TTg-CN, dated September 5, requesting relevant ministries, sectors and localities to implement key tasks to achieve the goal of completing 3,000km of expressways by the end of 2025.

To that end, the Document has urged ministries, agencies, sectors and localities to actively and responsibly carry out the assigned tasks related to expressway construction projects to ensure the national target of having 3,000km of expressways by the end of 2025.

The Documdent emphasized that this should be considered a top political task. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect, urge and address difficulties and obstacles, particularly in areas such as site clearance, relocation of technical infrastructure, construction of resettlement areas, and the supply of raw materials, the Document noted.

In all cases of difficulties and obstacles, the forces involved in the projects must closely coordinate to resolve them as quickly as possible, ensuring the progress and quality of the projects, all for the common goal and interests of the nation, the Documnt stressed.

The expressway projects involved the Government Office, State Bank of Vietnam, ministries of Transport, Finance, Planning and Investment, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development, Industry and Trade, Public Security, Defense, and Home Affairs. Other bodies include the Government Inspectorate, the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises, and Electricity Vietnam; and the localities through which the expressway projects pass.