20:53 10/05/2024

Vietnam Streamlines Bidding Process with New Regulations

Vi Châu

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) has issued new regulations to standardize bidding activities across Vietnam, aiming to improve transparency and efficiency in public procurement.

The circular details standardized templates for assessment reports. (Photo source: internet.)
The circular details standardized templates for assessment reports. (Photo source: internet.)

New regulations on bidding evaluation reports and appraisals will come into effect on June 15th, 2024, as outlined in Circular No. 07/2024/TT-BKHDT issued by the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI).

The aim is to streamline bidding procedures and enhance transparency in public procurement.

Standardized Report Templates

The circular details standardized templates for assessment reports, including Forms 2A, 2B, and 2C, tailored for different types of bids like non-consulting services, goods procurement, and construction.

These templates apply to open bidding, limited online bidding, and mixed methods. Additionally, templates 3A, 3B, and 3C are introduced for appraisal reports on bidding documents, contractor shortlists, and final selection results.

The new regulations also mandate annual reporting on bidding activities. All agencies and organizations involved in bidding, from central to provincial levels, including state-owned enterprises, are required to submit their reports through the National Bidding Network System or in writing to the MPI by February 1st of the following year.

The MPI will synthesize these reports and submit a comprehensive overview to the Prime Minister by April 15th. This will enable the MPI to monitor the bidding landscape across the country and ensure compliance with the new regulations.

By standardizing reporting formats and mandating annual reporting, the MPI seeks to improve transparency, reduce bureaucracy, and ensure a fair and competitive bidding environment.

This move is expected to attract more bidders and promote efficient allocation of resources in public procurement projects across Vietnam.

While the new regulations provide specific guidelines for reporting, agencies are permitted to adapt the prescribed forms to their specific needs, as long as they do not violate the provisions of the Bidding Law and Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP.

The circular's implementation on June 15th, 2024, marks a significant step towards modernizing Vietnam's bidding processes and fostering a more transparent and efficient public procurement system.