Thu Duc City to become international financial center
HCMC reveals master planning for Thu Duc City by 2040.

Ho Chi Minh City plans to develop Thu Duc City into an international financial center under master planning by 2040.
Municipal authorities have submitted the planning to the Prime Minister for appraisal and approval.
Thu Duc City will be developed into a creative city and a nucleus in the implementation of Industry 4.0 in Ho Chi Minh City, to boost socio-economic development with a knowledge-based economy, science and technology, and development cooperation.
Focus will be placed on innovation, startups, and infrastructure development for the knowledge-based economy in order to transition economic activities from industry to services and high-value sectors.
Infrastructure for a knowledge-based economy includes education establishments, universities, business incubators and laboratories, and the technological infrastructure needed to support economic development.
Thu Duc City will have a special mechanism to attract and manage investment in line with international regulations and norms.