Long An province and Dong Tam Group delegation visit Japan

Visit to Misui E&S in Japan from September 4 to 10 hoped to boost bilateral investment in Long An province between Vietnam and Japan.
Mr. Nguyen Minh Lam, Vice Chairman of the Long An Provincial People’s Committee, and the delegation visited and worked at the Mitsui E&S Machinery Factory in Oita City in Japan.
Mr. Nguyen Minh Lam, Vice Chairman of the Long An Provincial People’s Committee, and the delegation visited and worked at the Mitsui E&S Machinery Factory in Oita City in Japan.

A delegation from the Mekong Delta’s Long An province, consisting of Mr. Nguyen Minh Lam, Standing Member of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Thanh, Director of the Long An Economic Zone Authority, Mr. Vo Quoc Thang, Chairman of the Board of the Dong Tam Group (DTG), Mr. Vo Quoc Huy, Chairman of the Board of the Long An International Port, Mr. Peter Hendrik Slootweg, CEO of the Long An Port Joint Stock Company, and the management team recently paid a visit to the Mitsui E&S Machinery Factory in Oita City in Japan, which is a subsidiary of the Mitsui Group, one of the largest conglomerates, or Keiretsu, in Japan.

It worked with the Representative Leader of Mitsui E&S while at the factory, surveying the manufacturing progress of 24 world-class container cranes, including six STS cranes and 18 RTGs that will be completed and be ready to be shipped to Long An International Port in October.

Leaders from Long An Province, the Dong Tam Group, and the Long An International Port, join experts from Mitsui E&S in the construction finalization area.
Leaders from Long An Province, the Dong Tam Group, and the Long An International Port, join experts from Mitsui E&S in the construction finalization area.

While at the factory, Mr. Lam said Long An province presented the Dong Tam Group with a Certificate of Merit at the end of 2021 with the inscription “Pioneer in Digital Transformation”, which he explained was in recognition of its significant investment in expanding operations using new technology and its efforts to promote economic development, increase workplace productivity, and diversify the services it provides. Mr. Lam also presented a painting to a representative of Mitsui E&S.

Long An International Port is a crucial project that will attract additional investment to Long An province. When opened, it will enable companies in the Mekong Delta to form a center of foreign trade in Vietnam’s south. The expansion of its international port will also see Long An province boost its attraction among investors both domestic and foreign.

Long An province and Dong Tam Group delegation visit Japan - Ảnh 1

The Port combines a seaport service complex, including an Industrial Park, and Industrial Service Zone, an Urban Area, and other elements that will add value to customers and contribute to the creation of a multi-purpose and modern seaport city complex.

Given global needs to strengthen the resilience of supply chains, the further automation of logistics and sharpened last-mile delivery confirms that Long An International Port’s development is on the right track. It will also include a container “bus” shuttle to aid the needs of local businesses by reducing logistics and product costs and by increasing competitiveness and global integration.

Part of the Dong Tam Group, a prestigious local name with over 53 years in business, the Long An International Port is being developed and operated by a dynamic and professional team of young Vietnamese striving to expand port logistics in the Mekong Delta as quickly as possible.

The Port is to become a leading, internationally-recognized port-of-choice in Asia by providing safe, modern, integrated, end-to-end supply chain services, including warehousing, bulk cargo handling, business parks, freight forwarding, and other full-service logistics products. Most importantly, it will soon provide a full suite of container handling services, from the second quarter of 2023, with the addition of two new container berths, six quay cranes, and nine yard-blocks (including reefer capacity) capable of handling over 500,000 TEUs each year, putting the Port firmly on the regional, national, and international supply-chain and logistics map.

With unwavering support from its shareholders, a customer-focused way of working, and an organizational culture with strong values, the Long An International Port believes that success is achieved through investing in and providing opportunities for growth in the safest, most environmentally-friendly and sustainable manner possible.

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